We at Cincinnati Maintenance are Thankful….for YOU!

It’s hard to believe it’s already time for Thanksgiving! We at Cincinnati Maintenance have a lot to be thankful for….and we are especially thankful for YOU, our customers! We have been blessed with a wonderful set of loyal customers and are thankful for the new ones we are meeting every day. It’s been especially heartening […]

Should You Clean Before the Holidays….or After?

Have you ever wondered, should I have my carpet and upholstery professionally cleaned before the holidays….or after? Well, that depends. First of all, are you having guests in for the holidays?  If you have noticeable stains on the carpet…..it would be nice to clean those before your guests arrive. If you have pets who sometimes […]

Cold and Flu Season Is Soon Upon Us!

Cold and flu season is soon upon us! And other nasty bugs abound during this time of year, too.  Did you know the norovirus can live on a carpet’s uncleaned surface for a month or more? Ugh.  Illness is inevitable – kids bring home germs from school, there’s lots of get-togethers and parties for the […]