Our Favorite Holiday Advice

Over the years, we at Cincinnati Maintenance have talked about cleaning advice for the holidays – how to cope with a variety of possible circumstances – particularly when it comes to keeping your carpets and floors clean – upholstery, too! Here are some of our favorite blogs: Pets in the House? Here’s what you need […]

Don’t Neglect Your Furniture

We talk all the time about your carpets and floors being one of your home’s largest investments. But, your furniture is, too! Don’t neglect cleaning your furniture upholstery! We at Cincinnati Maintenance recommend professionally cleaning upholstery every 8-12 months, sometimes even more often if you have small children or pets. Your couches and comfy chairs can get […]

Ewwww….What’s in YOUR Carpet?

What’s in YOUR Carpet? Carpeting can harbor some pretty unpleasant stuff. Of course there is your everyday dirt and grit that gets tracked in your home or office, but did you know….. Your family and employees spill crumbs, bits of food, drinks, etc., in your carpets and even if the spill is blotted up, smaller […]

Wicking: Wha-what?

Wicking: Wha-what? What the heck is “wicking?” Well, have you ever had your carpets cleaned – particularly a specific stain – and it looks great but in a few days, that stubborn stain mysteriously shows back up? Annoying as all get-out for sure – that’s wicking. Wicking is caused when a stain has penetrated deep into […]