Allergy Season is Here – Keeping Your Home Clean Can Help

Allergy Season is Here - Keeping Your Home Clean Can Help

It’s that time of year – sneezing, sneezing, watery eyes, sneezing, sneezing. Did we say sneezing?  Yes, it’s ALLERGY season! There is not much you can do about outdoor allergens, but one way to combat your allergies is by keeping your home clean and your indoor quality at its best! Cincinnati Maintenance can help!
Did you know that some people believe that not having any carpet at all reduces allergies in the home? But, other experts say that carpet increases air quality because it traps known allergens and keeps them out of your home’s air.
If you do have carpet, keeping it clean is the best way to reduce the annoying sneezing, runny nose, and itchy eyes of allergies and and could possibly reduce asthma issues as well.
Regular vacuuming is your first defense!
A consistent deep carpet cleaning once or twice per year is your next best bet to keeping your carpets as clean as possible – and hopefully improve the air you breathe in your own home.
Contact Cincinnati Maintenance today!