It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year – Spring Cleaning Time!
It’s the most wonderful time of the year – Spring Cleaning time, that is! We at Cincinnati Maintenance
love to help Greater Cincinnati get their homes and offices squeaky clean, and we have some tips to
share, too!
First, we once blogged about how often should you have your carpets professionally cleaned? For
homes with families and pets, a good rule of thumb is every 6-12 months. A good, deep professional
carpet clean is the perfect way to kick off your Spring Cleaning frenzy!
Here are a few other items to add to your Spring Cleaning chore list:
Dust light fixtures and lamp shades – it make take a damp cloth to get the job done right.
Wash the doors, baseboards, trim, switch plates and doorknobs – the walls around the light switches
probably need cleaning as well.
Clean out everything from under the bed, move the bed, and sweep/mop/vacuum that space
Remove couch and chair cushions and vacuum thoroughly. If you have pets or small children (meaning,
stains or odors!), consider having your upholstery professionally cleaned.
Clean out the medicine cabinet and cosmetic drawer – get rid of expired medicine and old cosmetics
you no longer use.
Clean under the refrigerator and stove – don’t forget to vacuum the fridge coils.
Clean the dishwasher, inside and out.
Clean out the pantry, freezer and fridge – get rid of expired or freezer burned food – then reorganize
everything. You’ll be glad you did!
Tile and grout need a thorough cleaning, too.
Often forgotten during a Spring Cleaning are:
Clean the ceiling fan blades.
Wash the floor registers and air vents.
Get your dryer vent cleaned.
Ahhhh, Spring Cleaning…..makes it the most wonderful time of the year!