Winter Cleaning Tips to Keep Snow and Salt off Your Floors.
Winter Tips to Keep Snow and Salt off Your Floors.
Snow and Salt Can Be a Bothersome Mess.
Winter in Cincinnati is almost over, but Old Man Winter is here for several more weeks. I thought it would be important to share some useful tips to keep your carpet and hard surfaces clean as we pull through the remainder of this very cold winter.
Tip #1
Proper use of mats.
Whether it’s your home or commercial space you are concerned about the proper mats can help reduce soil infiltration into your structure.
Outside your door it’s ideal to use a rubber mat to help knock off debris such as stones, and excess salt from entryways.
Inside your door is where you need an absorbent mat. You’ll want a walk off mat that allows for at least two full steps. If you’re worried about your home, it would help to further the protection with a few scrap terry cloth towels.
Also I’d restrict how people enter your home or facility. Have them enter through the door where all the outside elements can be controlled with proper mat’s.
Tip #2
Cleaning Hard Surfaces
Salt is often higher than 7 on the ph scale. Meaning it leans more towards alkalinity. For those unfamiliar alkalinity attracts soil by leaving a hard or sticky residue. This goes for your carpeted areas as well.
A rule of thumb is to only use neutral balanced cleaners around your home or office to avoid residue buildup. If access alkalinity is present, you’ll want to focus your efforts on a non-abrasive acid based floor cleaner.
The most effective choice for homes is a hot water and vinegar solution. Pay attention to those bottles you buy at local home stores. Most common degreasers are higher on the ph scale adding only to the alkalinity. While it may look clean, the floor may have a stubborn residue only leading to attracting more soil, and frustration.
As for carpet soil from snow, salt, and our furry friends, do your best to lay towels to absorb as much of the outdoors as possible. Be cautious of store bought carpet cleaners. Again as a rule of thumb look for a neutral, eco-friendly spotter or carpet cleaner. Less residues, less soil. Cincinnati Maintenance will be ready for your restorative, low-moisture, green carpet cleaning as soon as the weather breaks.
Thanks for reading this article. If you have questions about stubborn soil issues on your hard surfaces or carpet, we’re available at [email protected] anytime.
Ed Susshine
Cincinnati Maintenance