
Winter Cleaning Tips to Keep Snow and Salt off Your Floors.

Winter Tips to Keep Snow and Salt off Your Floors.


Snow and Salt Can Be a Bothersome Mess.

Winter in Cincinnati is almost over, but Old Man Winter is here for several more weeks. I thought it would be important to share some useful tips to keep your carpet and hard surfaces clean as we pull through the remainder of this very cold winter.


Tip #1


Proper use of mats.

Whether it’s your home or commercial space you are concerned about the proper mats can help reduce soil infiltration into your structure.  


Outside your door it’s ideal to use a rubber mat to help knock off debris such as stones, and excess salt from entryways.


Inside your door is where you need an absorbent mat. You’ll want a walk off mat that allows for at least two full steps. If you’re worried about your home, it would help to further the protection with a few scrap terry cloth towels.


Also I’d restrict how people enter your home or facility. Have them enter through the door where all the outside elements can be controlled with proper mat’s.


Tip #2


Cleaning Hard Surfaces

Salt is often higher than 7 on the ph scale.  Meaning it leans more towards alkalinity. For those unfamiliar alkalinity attracts soil by leaving a hard or sticky residue.  This goes for your carpeted areas as well.


A rule of thumb is to only use neutral balanced cleaners around your home or office to avoid residue buildup.  If access alkalinity is present, you’ll want to focus your efforts on a non-abrasive acid based floor cleaner.


The most effective choice for homes is a hot water and vinegar solution.  Pay attention to those bottles you buy at local home stores. Most common degreasers are higher on the ph scale adding only to the alkalinity.  While it may look clean, the floor may have a stubborn residue only leading to attracting more soil, and frustration.


As for carpet soil from snow, salt, and our furry friends, do your best to lay towels to absorb as much of the outdoors as possible. Be cautious of store bought carpet cleaners.  Again as a rule of thumb look for a neutral, eco-friendly spotter or carpet cleaner. Less residues, less soil. Cincinnati Maintenance will be ready for your restorative, low-moisture, green carpet cleaning as soon as the weather breaks.


Thanks for reading this article. If you have questions about stubborn soil issues on your hard surfaces or carpet, we’re available at [email protected] anytime.


Ed Susshine

Cincinnati Maintenance

Pets in the House? Here's What You Need to Know

Pets in the House? Here's What You Need to Know

Whether your pets come in the house occasionally or live in the home 100% of the time, there are some things you should know. There WILL be a mess on your furniture or carpet at some point in time.
Whether it’s mud or dirt tracked in from outside or, ahem, a urine, vomit, or the dreaded poop accident — if you have pets, that’s all part of being an animal lover and pet owner.
Some tips on cleaning up your animal’s mess:

  1. Using paper towels, “pick up” any solid material right away and discard appropriately.
  2. Then, blot (and we mean blot, don’t scrub) as much as possible. You have got to get the liquid material reduced as much as you can before you even attempt to apply any type of cleaner.
  3. Try the old baking soda-white vinegar remedy (be sure to test in an inconspicuous area first whenever you use any type of cleaning solution).  Put two equal parts of white vinegar and warm water in a spray bottle and add 2-4 tablespoons of baking soda.   For example, for two cups each of water and vinegar, add 4 tablespoons of baking soda.  For one cup each of water and vinegar, add 2 tablespoons of baking soda.
  4. Spray the area liberally. Let it sit at least 5 minutes and blot dry with a clean towel. When the area is dry completely, run the vacuum over it.
  5. If you’ve blotted up the majority of the mess before applying a cleaning solution, instead of #4 above, you might try sprinkling dry baking soda on the area and letting it sit for a while. Then spray the water/white vinegar mixture on top of it and proceed with blotting.

If you need professional help, we are always just a phone call away: (513) 827-6150.

We at Cincinnati Maintenance are Thankful….for YOU!

Thank you!

It’s hard to believe it’s already time for Thanksgiving! We at Cincinnati Maintenance have a lot to be thankful for….and we are especially thankful for YOU, our customers!
We have been blessed with a wonderful set of loyal customers and are thankful for the new ones we are meeting every day.
It’s been especially heartening to have some really great reviews left for us throughout the year.  Some of our favorites:

  • Ed and Cincinnati Maintenence are the best carpet cleaners I have ever used. We have dogs and after they were finished all spots of mud and other matter was gone and the carpets smelled fresh and clean, not like chemicals. They are professional and on time and more than fair in pricing.  – Linda
  • Cincinnati Maintenance came out today & did some serious magic on our sectional! Two teenage boys & two mastiffs did their best to make it impossible but no match for these guys. Polite/professional and not too bad on the checkbook – will definitely use them again. – Missy
  • Cincinnati Maintenance and Eddie Susshine are amazing!!! Our dog was very sick and vomited several times on our cream carpet. We could not get the stains out. So we called Eddie and they came right out and had the stains gone with an hour! Carpet looks brand new again! We can’t thank you enough!!! – Mary
  • Eddie and his crew came out and did a fantastic job on our carpets and were ultra professional. Super highly recommend!! – Wally

We humbly thank you and look forward to serving you for years to come. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

Should You Clean Before the Holidays….or After?

Should You Clean Before the Holidays....or After?

Have you ever wondered, should I have my carpet and upholstery professionally cleaned before the holidays….or after?
Well, that depends. First of all, are you having guests in for the holidays?  If you have noticeable stains on the carpet… would be nice to clean those before your guests arrive.
If you have pets who sometimes have accidents, a professional cleaning can get rid of stains, odors, and even keep your pet from revisiting that old familiar spot – because they no longer smell where they’ve “been” before.
Are your guests going to be bunking on the couch? Yep, go ahead and get that cleaned and fresh-smelling, too.
BUT……if your carpets, rugs and furniture are in good, clean shape, there ARE reasons to wait until AFTER the holidays to have a professional cleaning.
For example, if your guests are bringing small children, you will inevitably have extra spills. Are they bringing pets, as well? Be prepared for an accident or two.
Or, if you’re having the biggest party of the year at your house…..maybe, just maybe, waiting until after your holiday party is the best time for a profesional to get things back to normal again.
Things to think about….you want to get the best bang for your buck.

How to Quickly Address a Coffee Spill

How to Quickly Address a Coffee Spill

Oh, man! A coffee spill on your carpet. Great way to start the day, huh?
Addressing a coffee stain can be very tricky. Depending on the type of coffee, it has the potential for permanently staining fibers. Did you know that deluxe or supreme blended coffee as well as decaf coffee all have artificial dyes to make the color uniform? (Makes you think, doesn’t it?)
To try to take care of it yourself, we at Cincinnati Maintenance recommend a two-part approach:
First, blot with a clean towel to get up what you can. Now, you will need two spray bottles. Fill the first one with water and one drop of liquid dish detergent. Fill the other bottle with equal parts of water and white distilled vinegar. Spray the area with the detergent mixture and use another clean towel to blot the stain. You may also use a brush to “tamp” the spot. Once you no longer see the coffee spot, spray the vinegar/water mixture on the carpet and blot. Remember, less is more. Using too much detergent will leave a residue. We do not recommend any type of oil-based cleaning agent. For example, WD-40 will definitely leave a residue behind if not properly rinsed (which is hard in itself to do!)
If the coffee stain is on a light-colored carpet and there is still a little color, you can MIST 3% hydrogen peroxide over the spot and blot. And, we mean mist only. You cannot use too much because it is a bleaching agent.
As always, feel free to contact Cincinnati Maintenance to discuss your carpet and upholstery cleaning needs, schedule an appointment, or receive a free estimate.

That Delicious Goodness Isn't So Good for your Carpet and Furniture

That Delicious Goodness isn't so Good for your Carpet and Furniture

We’ve all done it. You know, had a delcious, buttery piece of corn on the cob on your plate and began carrying it to the couch to eat while watching your favorite TV show. Oops, the corn rolls right off the plate, hits the couch and then lands on the carpet. Ugh!
When dealing with oily spots or spills, corn starch or baking soda will be your best friend. They will absorb most if not all of the oil.  The main trick is to take care of the oily stain immediately!
Here are some simple steps to follow get that butter or oily stain out:
First, try to scrape off as much of the oily offender as you can.  The back of a butter knife is a great tool for this.
Then, sprinkle the stain with baking soda or cornstarch.  Let the absorbent baking soda (or cornstarch) sit there for maybe half an hour. Be SURE to vacuum it up thoroughly. Hopefully at this point, most of the oily residue has been lifted.
Time to clean it now with water and a mild dishwashing liquid. NOTE: always, always, always test your cleaning mixture in an inconspicuous spot before applying to carpet or upholstery. Use a white cloth to apply the soapy mixture and a new cloth to rinse well with water. Always blot, don’t rub.
If the oily stain is persistent, please feel free to call Cincinnati Maintenance for advice or to have us come out and take care of it for you!

Having Carpet Installed? Things to Know

Having Carpet Installed- Things to Know

New home? Remodeling? Great! It’s an exciting time and “picking out” carpet and other features is a lot of fun. When it’s time for your carpet to be installed, here are a few things to know:
Have your old carpet removed and properly disposed of – if possible, recycle!
There is a great website for Carpet America Recovery Effort (CARE) that can assist you in finding proper disposal means in your area.
Decide on who will do your installation. 
Most likely, where you purchase your new carpet provides installation or recommedations for installers.  Be sure to look for professional installers who are certified and who follow professional protocals for carpet installation.
Be sure to keep fresh air moving after installation.
Ventilate the area well where your new carpet has been installed by opening windows and running fans or the fan of your AC. The new carpet “smell” will dissipate quickly with proper ventilation.
Care for your new carpet!
Always vacuum your carpet on a regular timetable, and Cincinnati Maintenance‘s recommendation is to have it deep cleaned by a professional a minimum of once per year (twice is better if you have children and/or pets).

Regular Carpet Cleaning Helps with Allergies and Asthma

Regular Carpet Cleaning Helps with Allergies and Asthma

Your home’s indoor air quality is important. Especially if you or someone in your family have allergies or asthma. Some people believe that having zero carpet reduces allergies in the home. That may or may not be true, as other experts have indicated that carpet increases air quality because it traps known allergens and keeps them out of your home’s air space.
Whichever is actually true in your home and for your family, if you do have carpet, keeping it clean is the best way to reduce the annoying sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, etc., of allergies and may even help reduce asthma issues as well.
The first step is yours: be sure to regularly vacuum your carpets. The majority of loose, dry soil and other materials can be removed with regular vacuuming.
Your next step is regular deep carpet cleaning. As we indicated in a blog post last year, a good rule of thumb for homes with pets and families is to have your carpets cleaned every 6-12 months.
Keeping your home’s air quality at its best depends on a lot of factors. Cleaning your carpets regularly is a great step to improved air and hopefully less sneezing!

A Little Bit about "Wicking" – What is It and How to Deal with It

A Little Bit about "Wicking"

So, let’s talk about “wicking.”  On Monday we blogged about low moisture carpet cleaning. Cincinnati Maintenance is a big believer in this type of carpet cleaning which is also called encapsulation. You can see from that blog that we usually adhere to this type of cleaning because it dries fast, is non-toxic, and does not create a large “footprint” in the enviroment.
But, there is another reason we employ the encapsulation technique when serving our residential and commercial clients. It’s called “wicking.”
And, you don’t want it. Wicking, that is.
Have you ever had your carpets cleaned – particularly a specific stain – and it looks great but in a few days, that stubborn stain mysteriously shows back up? Frustrating, huh?  Well, THAT’S wicking.
Wicking is caused when a stain is created – usually from a spill – and it has penetrated deep into the carpet.  Then, when the carpet cleaned – commonly by a “wet” (water) extraction method – the part of the stain that has deeply penetrated the carpet is not completely removed.  After this type of cleaning is performed and the carpet has dried, the residual portion of the soiled area “wicks” its way to the surface of the carpet fibers.
Then, BAM! The carpet looks bad again because the stain has creeped back up to rear its ugly head.
With Cincinnati Maintenance’s green, low moisture technology, dry time is often only 45-90 minutes and also prevents that nasty wicking or reappearance of stubborn stains.

After a Professional Cleaning, Who Wants their Carpets to Dry FAST?

After a Professional Cleaning, Who Wants their Carpets to Dry FAST?

After you have a professional come out to clean your carpets, do you want the carpets to dry quickly so you can get back to your normal household or business routine?  Well, sure you do! 
Cincinnati Maintenance knows that low moisture cleaning – called encapsulation – is the most advanced way to clean and maintain carpet in your home or business. Low moisture technique solves many problems commonly associated with carpet cleaning. Among these are waiting hours and hours for the cleaned area to dry, possible exposure to unwanted or unsafe chemicals, and – for the environmentally conscious – having a tremendous water-wasting footprint.
The great news is, with encapsulation, carpets dry fast! Really fast.  Homeowners are happy because “regular life” carries on and commercial clients are happy because their place of business has very few interuptions and no fear of a slip-and-fall hazard.
And, guess what? Most all encapsulation cleaners are PH balanced.  Not only are they safe for all carpet fibers, but they do not require the application of rinsing agents.  The carpet is fresh and there is no sticky residue that attracts unwanted soil.
Lastly, Cincinnati Maintenance continues to be on the cutting edge of green cleaning technologies.  Our low moisture cleaning is enviromentally responsible by cutting out waste of thousands of gallons of water, as well as being safe, effective, and clean without causing environmental hazards or exposing anyone to toxicity.