
Which Comes First? Do You Dust Before You Vacuum or Vacuum Before You Dust?

Which Comes First?

Ask people this question: Do you dust before you vacuum or vacuum before you dust?  You will get a plethora of answers – and different rationalizations for each anwer.
The same goes for baseboards. Should you clean the baseboards before you vacuum or after?
Well, if inquiring minds really want to know, this is what we at Cincinnati Maintenance recommend:
Dust first, then vacuum. Why? Pet hair, dander, dust, and other allergens are are always “floating” in your home, even if you can’t always see them. A good rule of thumb when cleaning is to wipe down your home’s surfaces first  – on a side note, we always recommend using microfiber cloths for dusting and other surface cleaning.  These help trap the particles and allergens in the cloth.
What you don’t want to do is vacuum, then dust, and then watch your surfaces appear dusty once more when the disturbed particles settle once again.
Neither notion of “which comes first” will ensure that all dust in the home is removed, but dusting and cleaning the baseboards first will trap most of the dirt and dust in your microfiber cloths, and then vacuuming afterwards will clean up any remaining debris that fell onto the floor or carpet when you dusted.
So, now you know.

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year – Spring Cleaning Time!

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year – Spring Cleaning Time!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year – Spring Cleaning time, that is! We at Cincinnati Maintenance
love to help Greater Cincinnati get their homes and offices squeaky clean, and we have some tips to
share, too!
First, we once blogged about how often should you have your carpets professionally cleaned? For
homes with families and pets, a good rule of thumb is every 6-12 months. A good, deep professional
carpet clean is the perfect way to kick off your Spring Cleaning frenzy!
Here are a few other items to add to your Spring Cleaning chore list:
Dust light fixtures and lamp shades – it make take a damp cloth to get the job done right.
Wash the doors, baseboards, trim, switch plates and doorknobs – the walls around the light switches
probably need cleaning as well.
Clean out everything from under the bed, move the bed, and sweep/mop/vacuum that space
Remove couch and chair cushions and vacuum thoroughly. If you have pets or small children (meaning,
stains or odors!), consider having your upholstery professionally cleaned.
Clean out the medicine cabinet and cosmetic drawer – get rid of expired medicine and old cosmetics
you no longer use.
Clean under the refrigerator and stove – don’t forget to vacuum the fridge coils.
Clean the dishwasher, inside and out.
Clean out the pantry, freezer and fridge – get rid of expired or freezer burned food – then reorganize
everything. You’ll be glad you did!
Tile and grout need a thorough cleaning, too.
Often forgotten during a Spring Cleaning are:
Clean the ceiling fan blades.
Wash the floor registers and air vents.
Get your dryer vent cleaned.
Ahhhh, Spring Cleaning…..makes it the most wonderful time of the year!

Another Great Homemade Cleaning Hack

Another Great Homemade Cleaning Hack

Hello, Cincinnati! Our last blog focused on the cleaning power of vinegar, but another great homemade
cleaning hack involves another powerhouse: good, old fashioned baking soda.
Baking soda is nature’s deodorizer! And, it aids is all kinds of around-the-house cleaning. For example,
we recently told you how to get rid of pet urine odor in carpet and rugs with a mixture of baking soda,
vinegar and water.
Other cleaning ideas for using baking soda are:
Clean your fruits and veggies – a clean sponge, a little baking soda and water does the trick!
Make your carpets and rugs smell great – sprinkle on some baking soda, leave on for a while and then
Clean your toothbrush – soak you toothbrush in equal parts of baking soda and warm water; then rinse.
Clean the silver – Mix three parts baking soda to one part water (it will be paste-like). Rub the mixture
on each piece of silver; rinse with warm water and use a soft, non-abrasive cloth to dry.
Perform a thorough, non-toxic cleaning of your kid’s toys – Mix 1/4 Cup baking soda to 1 quart warm
water; soak toys or wipe with a soft cloth dampened with the solution; rinse with fresh water.
Clean plastic kiddie pools and other outdoor furniture – use the same ratio of baking soda and warm
water as you would for children’s toys; clean with the solution and rinse with clean water.
Freshen and clean your food containers – smells can linger, especially in plastic and other food
containers. Soak these dishes with warm water and baking soda – overnight if necessary – and then
wash as usual.
And, oh yeah, don’t forget to use it in your baking, too!
Keep checking back on the Cincinnati Maintenance blog for helpful hints and ideas about every day
cleaning; carpet, tile and floor care; dryer vent safety; green cleaning; and more!

Homemade Cleaning Remedies – The Power of Vinegar

Although we at Cincinnati Maintenance focus mainly on carpet, upholstery, floor and tile, we sure do love clean homes and offices. And, we love natural and organic remedies to keep that good clean going.
Which brings us to the power of good ol’ vinegar. A few weeks ago we blogged about using vinegar and baking soda to get rid of pet urine odor in carpet and rugs. But, vinegar can do so much more.
Why do we like to use vinegar in homemade cleaning products?  It’s non-toxic. That’s the biggie. It’s inexpensive. That’s a biggie, too.  And, it’s good for a lot of different small cleaning jobs around the house and office.
Here are a few cleaning ideas for vinegar, but, as with ANY cleaner, be it homemade or store-bought, test in an inconspicuous area first.
Cabinets and paneling: Mix ½ cup vinegar, ½ cup olive oil, and 2 cups of warm water. Apply with a soft cloth and wipe dry with a different soft cloth.
Showerheads: To remove hard water corrosion, soak in vinegar overnight and scrub gently with an old toothbrush.
Hard water and soap buildup: Liberally wet soft cloths with vinegar and place on hard water corrosion and soap buildup around faucets; leave for several hours or overnight; then, wipe away the gunk.  Soap buildup can tenacious, though, so you can try rubbing away the scum with a mixture of vinegar and salt.
Disposal: Get that nasty smell out of the kitchen disposal but pouring in a cup of vinegar; let it sit (do not run water nor run the disposal for at least an hour) and then run water and the kitchen disposal to vanquish bad odors.
One note about vinegar – be wary of using vinegar to clean marble surfaces, granite countertops, or stone tile.  The acidity of vinegar can etch these surfaces.
Keep check back on the Cincinnati Maintenance blog as we will be posting more green, eco-friendly homemade cleaning remedies soon!

Home Remedies to Get Rid of Pet Urine Odor

We get asked often, “How do I get the pet urine smell out of my carpets?”  In Cincinnati, it’s still that iffy time of year weather-wise where pets are spending more time indoors than out – naturally leading to a few more accidents that can leave some unpleasant odors in your rugs and carpets.
It’s great to keep some good DIY or homemade remedies on hand to help you and Fido out.  First and foremost, Cincinnati Maintenance ALWAYS recommends that you test any cleaner or “remedy” you are trying in an inconspicuous area of your rug or carpet.  You certainly don’t want to make an accident area worse.  
First things first, be sure to blot as much of the offending accident material as possible. You don’t want to be dealing with a liquidy mess when trying to rectify these issues with a cleaner. So, get rid of as much of the urine as you can by blotting with a clean, preferably white, absorbent towel.
Likely the most effective DIY pet odor remedy and the one we want to share with you is a Baking Soda – White Vinegar Spray.  Put two equal parts of white vinegar and warm water in a spray bottle and add 2-4 tablespoons of baking soda.  (Note: be sure it’s baking soda and not baking powder.)  For example, for two cups each of water and vinegar, add 4 tablespoons of baking soda.  For one cup each of water and vinegar, add 2 tablespoons of baking soda.
Spray the area liberally. Let it sit at least 5 minutes and blot dry with a clean towel.
An alternate way to use this remedy is:  Blot as much of the mess up as possible. Instead of adding the baking soda to the spray bottle containing the water/white vinegar mixture, sprinkle the baking soda onto the accident area.  Let it sit on the area for a minimum of 5 minutes. Vacuum up the baking soda and then proceed with spraying the area with the vinegar mixture and blot dry.
Lastly, another alternative is: Blot the offensive material as thoroughly as you can as described above.  Sprinkle a liberal amount of baking soda.  Then spray the water/vinegar mixture on top of the baking soda. Let sit for at least 5 minutes and then blot and blot some more.
We’re big fans of using homemade cleaning products whenever possible and we are fans of pets. And, if you have pets, you really should always have tried and true DIY cleaning remedies on hand.   
As always, feel free to contact Cincinnati Maintenance should you have a mess you can’t handle and for your regular carpet and upholstery maintenance cleanings.  

What to Look for in a Carpet Cleaning Company in Cincinnati

Not all carpet cleaning companies are alike. That would be like saying hiring a professional landscaper is the same as hiring a 12-year-old kid from down the street for a landscape installation.
So, what should you look for in a carpet cleaning company? Here are a set of questions you might ask when considering inviting professional cleaners into your home:
Are you certified? Institute of Inspection, Cleaning, and Restoration Certification (IICRC) is presented to the most reputable companies and highly-trained technicians. This includes coursework, training and exams. Ask the company you’re considering for documentation of IICRC certification.
Are you insured? You certainly don’t want to work with a company that lacks proper insurance – this includes liability as well as worker’s compensation insurance for its technicians. Lack of insurance means lack of responsibility and failure to follow legal requirements. Don’t be too shy to simply ask, “Are you properly insured?”  
Do you provide written estimates? It’s good to know what to expect before you hire someone to do any type of work in your home. It’s even better to get the estimate in writing, so there can be no cause for concern when you are presented with the bill.
Do you have any references or testimonials of your work? You can do your own research first by looking at Google reviews, reviews posted on other social media and testimonials posted on a company’s website. If you want to dig deeper, ask for a few names and numbers of clients who would not mind your calling to ask about the quality of the company’s work.
How long have you been in business?  Let’s face it, longevity in business means more experience and also equates to success of that business. If a company indicates it is “family-owned,” feel free to ask how many generations of the family have been in this line of work. No amount of formal coursework can replace the knowledge a long-term business enterprise has gained over the years.

Frequent Carpet and Tile Cleaning is Imperative in Medical Facilities – Particularly during Flu Season! Cincinnati Relies on us!

I recently posted on Social Media how the norovirus can live on a carpet’s uncleaned surface for a month or more.  Now, with flu season upon us and, well, really any time, medical facilities need to clean ALL their surfaces – and oftentimes, carpets and floors are forgotten or neglected when germy surfaces are being cleaned.
Cincinnati Maintenance is frequently asked, “How often should we clean the carpets?”  We covered this in a blog post a couple of months ago, but it bears repeating that certain types of businesses need the carpets cleaned more often than others.  For instance, daycares could benefit from weekly or twice-per-month cleaning because small children are crawling around and constantly put things that have been on the floor in their mouths.  Hopefully no one is putting anything in their mouth that’s been on the doctor’s office floor, but, nevertheless, every one-to-three months is good timing for medical facilities to have a deep floor clean.  During pandemic or a time of especially hard-hitting viruses, obviously more often can only benefit the reduction of germs.
Another area that is often overlooked is tile and grout.  All kinds of germy messes can creep down in the grooves and crevices of tile and grout floors.  Please do not forget that these areas need deep, professional cleaning, too.
Cincinnati Maintenance cares about our customers and our customer’s customers.  We are proud to help medical buildings and offices maintain the highest level of cleanliness available to keep good health a primary focus.

Entryway Mats Have Multiple Purposes in Keeping Your Office Building Clean and Inviting. Commercial Buildings in Cincinnati need Mat Systems.

At least “80 percent of all the soil, dust, contaminants, and moisture entering a facility are tracked in on the shoes of building staff and visitors,” according to ISSA experts in the cleaning industry.  Entryway or entrance mats can stop a tremendous amount of dirt and debris from coming further into your office and wreaking havoc on your polished floors, hardwood, rugs and carpets.  
A small investment in entrance mats will protect your larger investment of the flooring in your building.  The carpet and floors of the office will have a much longer life and will stay cleaner and less worn when the entryway has quality matting.
Particularly in wet or snowy weather, good quality mats in the foyer or vestibule prevent dangerous slip-and-fall accidents which can lead to unwanted and unnecessary headaches for the owner should someone get hurt.
Lastly, entrance mats create a visually pleasing and inviting, professional look as customers and clients enter the building.  It’s always a bonus to give people a wonderful first look into your building and your business.
Office building and business owners should consider nice-looking, highly functional mats to protect their flooring investment and prevent harmful accidents.

How Often Should You Have Your Carpets Cleaned? Cincinnati requires more cleaning due to wet winter months.

One question we get asked almost every day is, “How often should I have my carpets cleaned?”  We at Cincinnati Maintenance know that the answer can vary from business to business and from home to home, and we are prepared with expert knowledge to help you make informed decisions.
Being IICRC-certified, we look to the highest level of expertise to answer cleaning frequency questions.   A good rule of thumb for homes with pets and families is to have your carpets cleaned every 6-to-12 months.  Office buildings (particularly, ground floor offices), the same 6-to-12 months.  
Other, more specific service-oriented institutions require more frequent cleaning, due to health and sensitivity concerns:  daycares, once per week; nursing homes, once per month; restaurants, once per month; and, schools, every 3-to-6 months.
Obviously, other factors can affect the recommended frequency of professional carpet cleaning:

  • Particles from the outside that are easily tracked or blown in
  • Temperature, humidity and season
  • Types of activities taking place indoors
  • The specific type of carpet fiber
  • The type of indoor environment (for example, office building versus daycare facility)
  • The number and health status of inhabitants
  • Smoking habits of inhabitants
  • The number of children and pets
  • The thoroughness of routine housekeeping performed

Because all of Cincinnati Maintenance’s staff are IICRC certified, we can identify appropriate cleaning frequency to ensure your home or business receives the best possible cleaning care.

Because We Care, Cincinnati Maintenance Uses Plant-Based, Soap-Free, Odor-Free Procyon to Clean Your Carpet and Upholstery

Cincinnati Maintenance knows you want clean carpets and upholstery but are also concerned about toxic chemicals around your family, pets, employees and clients.  That’s why we use plant-based, non-toxic, soap-free Procyon to take care of your cleaning needs.
Determined to be the leading “green” carpet cleaning company in Cincinnati, we are proud to be able to tell our clients that the products we use are:

  • Safe for children and pets to be around
  • Have no VOCs (volatile organic compounds) and create no harmful airborne molecules
  • Made with all natural ingredients that are hypo-allergenic, soap-free and odor-free
  • And, provide a powerful, satisfying clean

Additionally, the encapsulation cleaning we provide emulsifies contaminants and soil, which creates an incredibly fast drying time – usually 45 minutes to 1 hour! – and leaves absolutely no soapy, sticky residue.  
Why do we at Cincinnati Maintenance work with the cutting edge of “green,” non-toxic products like Procyon?  Because we want to give you the best cleaning technology available that is safe for you and your loved ones – for your peace of mind and ours.